Resources for decolonization.

9. additional resources

9. additional resources

A few additional resources and articles, some links repeated in individual posts on certain topics. 

PR Syllabus (Para versión en español vea aquí.)- a good place to start for historical and human aspects, beyond the financial aspect. By Yarimar Bonilla, Marisol Lebrón, Sarah Molinari, Isabel Guzzardo Tamargo and Shakti Castro. Hurricane María section here.

A Cartoon History of Colonialism in Puerto Rico
A primer on how the island became the last colony
By Omar Banuchi and Ed Morales

Hedge Clippers

Ed Morales Ed Morales, a freelance writer based in New York, teaches at Columbia University's Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race.

Puerto Rico Forward: Pilot (video) Host: Andrew Mercado-Vázquez, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Forward: PR's Legal Limbo (video)
Puerto Rico Forward: Congress and a Post-Maria PR  (video)
Puerto Rico Forward: How to Solve PR's Status Problem (video)

Torres Gotay Entrevista (podcast en español del periodista Benjamín Torres Gotay)

FBI Cointelpro Puerto Rico Files Archive

John Mudd’s Control Board Watch
(I'm not terribly familiar with this site, but John Mudd is a Puerto Rican lawyer following Junta proceedings closely.

Grassroots organizations: (Puerto Rico)
Casa Pueblo
Organización Boricuá de Agricultura Ecológica
Proyecto Agroecológico El Josco Bravo

Grassroots organizations: (diaspora)
Vamos For PR
Defend PR
Our Power PR

(not comprehensive… a lot of recent developments Post-María!)
Puerto Rico en Datos: los millones que Estados Unidos gana por su relación con la isla Comparamos el dinero que entra y sale de un lugar a otro
El Nuevo Día, 03/26/2018, video

Members of Congress asked to include audit in Puerto Rico debt-cancellation bill
By CyberNews on February 13, 2018, Caribbean Business

Living in Spanglish - Ed Morales interview with Economics Professor Ian Seda-Irizarry (podcast) (interview starts around 27:00 minutes in)

Fiscal board: Forensic audit is key to Puerto Rico disaster loan disbursements
By Eva Lloréns Vélez on January 19, 2018, Caribbean Business

Is Your Pension Fund Plundering Puerto Rico?
Thanks to hedge fund investments, public employees from Oregon to Wisconsin to California find themselves pitted against Puerto Rico’s retirees. by Ethan Corey, In These Times, January 25, 2018 

Why Puerto Rico Does Not Need Further Experimentation with Its Future: A Reply to the Notion of “Territorial Federalism”
Commentary by Juan R. Torruella Jan 26, 2018

Julio Lopez Varona on Puerto Rico’s Predators (podcast)
Counterspin interview with Janine Jackson, January 5, 2018


Puerto Rico’s Recovery Efforts Stymied by Colonial Status
Professor Déborah Berman-Santana’s discusses the cynical manipulation of post-Maria recovery efforts. The effect so far has been to enrich the powerful and delay return to normal life for millions of Puerto Ricans. 
By Michael Nevradakis November 11th, 2017, Mint Press News

FEMA Had a Plan for Responding to a Hurricane in Puerto Rico — But It Doesn’t Want You to See It
The disaster-relief agency, under fire after Hurricane Maria, won’t release the plan, even as a comparable document for Hawaii remains public. by Justin Elliott and Decca Muldowney Oct. 26, 2017

Los principales postores en la quiebra de Puerto Rico
Las firmas de fondos mutuos están, en conjunto e individualmente, entre las que más tienen que perder en la batalla por la deuda de Puerto Rico.
Por Joel Cintrón Arbasetti y Carla Minet | 19 de octubre 2017

By Kate Aronoff, Angel Manuel Soto, Averie Timm, The Intercept, September 12 2017

Intercept - Rich Port: Capitalism and Colonialism in Puerto Rico 
The Intercept Published on Sep 12, 2017 (video, works best in Chrome browser!) 

America's secret Caribbean colony - Colonialism is alive and well as Puerto Ricans 'celebrate' 100 years of US citizenship. 
By Belen Fernandez 29 AUGUST 2017 @MariaBelen_Fdez

Luis Fortuño seeks to distance himself from UBS
(Nydia) Velázquez has found it "scandalous" for an ex-governor to be linked to efforts to curb her legislation, which is supported by Commissioner Jenniffer Gonzalez, and seeks to "protect consumers"
By José A. Delgado, El Nuevo Día, June 17, 2017 

Nelson Denis: How did Puerto Rico get into its financial crisis? 
Published on Jun 10, 2017 (video)

Critics on Luis Fortuño’s linkage 
Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez considers his participation as a scandal. 
By José A. Delgado, El Nuevo Día, June 8, 2017 

Nydia Velázquez critica cabildeo de Fortuño contra una de sus medidas
A la congresista le parece escandaloso que busque evitar la fiscalización de las transacciones de las firmas de inversiones y fondos mutuos locales
Por José A. Delgado, El Nuevo Día, 8 de junio de 2017

‘Puerto Rico Is Emblematic of the Excesses of These Financial Systems’ (podcast)
Counterspin interview with Ed Morales on Puerto Rico's bankruptcy with JANINE JACKSON MAY 19, 2017

Greece and Puerto Rico: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Marxist Economics Prof. Richard D. Wolff Published on May 12, 2017

Goldman’s Strong Man in Puerto Rico - Trump’s Puerto Rico Policy Is a Back Door Bailout for Goldman Sachs
By Saqib Bhatti/Carrie Sloan, ReFund America Project (RAP) of the Action Center on Race & the Economy (ACRE) (April 28, 2017)  

Puerto Rico Governor Weighs Asking Creditors for More Concessions
Some investors fear shift by governor reflects higher chance of bankruptcy
By Matt Wirz and Andrew Scurria Updated Jan. 27, 2017

Grupo periodístico radica solicitudes de información sobre la Junta de Control Fiscal ante agencias federales - El Centro de Periodismo Investigativo lleva meses en busca de la información 27 de enero 2017

Experto independiente de la ONU alerta sobre propuestas de la Junta de Control Fiscal Por Joel Cintrón Arbasetti y Carla Minet, CPIPR, 10 de enero 2017

The colonial gospel in Puerto Rico Protestant missionaries as agents of empire
By Jorge Juan Rodríguez, January 3, 2017


Fondos de cobertura compraron el 67% de los bonos chatarra de Puerto Rico en 2014
Nueva información permite indagar sobre los fondos buitre en la Isla
Por Carla Minet y Joel Cintrón Arbasetti, CPIPR, 22 de noviembre 2016

275 investment firms jumped on Puerto Rico’s junk debt 
Por Joel Cintrón Arbasetti, CPIPR, 31 de agosto 2016 

These People Now Hold Puerto Rico's Purse Strings
Obama just named members of the island's financial control board.
By AJ Vicens, Mother Jones, AUG. 31, 2016

The Demise of Puerto Rico Is in Part Attributed to U.S. Congressional Action 
By Milton Vescovacci, Esq. June 23, 2016, Bloomberg

Abby Martin - The Empire Files: Puerto Rico's Debt to its Oppressors - Part 1 Published on Jun 22, 2016 (video)

The Empire Files: Puerto Rico's Debt to its Oppressors - Part 2 Published on Jun 22, 2016 (video)

Wall Street’s worst vulture hedge funds are making a killing by undermining the global economy (similarities between Argentina and Puerto Rico’s crises)
By Martin Guzman, June 17, 2016

This Puerto Rico Debt Commission Could Be The Island’s Trump Card By Daniel Marans, Huffington Post, 06/02/2016
(The Puerto Rico Commission for the Comprehensive Audit of the Public Credit)

The Plot Against Puerto Rico Washington set the small island up to fail. And now that the territory is on the verge of financial collapse, Congress is washing its hands of the blame.
By Michael Moran, Foreign Policy, April 29, 2016
“Many in Congress treat the island’s plight like a mere annoyance — or, at best, yet another way to highlight all that is wrong with the other party’s approach to government.
Yet Congress has jealously, even imperiously, guarded its control of some of the basic realities of the island’s economic and political life, insisting that the United States can tap it for soldiers when needed, for instance, and refuse to extend the right to vote in U.S. elections or even congressional matters. Even the island’s notoriously high prices for basic goods should be laid at the steps of the Capitol building: In 1920, as a sop to the U.S. maritime industry, Congress passed the Jones Act, which required shipping between U.S. states or possessions to be carried by U.S.-flagged ships manned by American crews. To say this is uncompetitive in the modern world is a vast understatement. A University of Puerto Rico study from 2012 found the practice costs the island’s economy about half a billion dollars annually. That windfall also adds U.S. shipping companies to those fighting debt relief for the beleaguered island.”

Mystery: Strom Thurmond, Puerto Rico and bankruptcy protection
By Jon Greenberg, Politifact, April 27th, 2016

How Puerto Rico got into its current financial mess
By John McPhaul, Miami Herald, March 06, 2016 

Puerto Rico Commission for the Comprehensive Audit of the Public Credit Pre-audit Survey Report PDF 


Puerto Rico's Debt Crisis: Greece Isn't Alone in Struggling Against Austerity
By Michael Nevradakis, October 19, 2015, Truthout 

Is an Obama Donor Tying the President’s Hands on Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis?
Vulture-fund investor Marc Lasry—who raised $500,000 for Obama in 2012—stands to gain if the commonwealth is not bailed out. 
By Ed Morales, August 19, 2015, The Nation

Rich Investors Flock To Puerto Rico As Debt Crisis Pushes Poor To The Mainland
Devastating economic times and myriad tax incentives are driving the wealthy to Puerto Rico, but they’re also forcing Puerto Ricans off the island.
By Sean Nevins, Mint Press News, August 18th, 2015

Opinion: Puerto Rico's Crisis? Let's Look At Our U.S. History 
By Victor M. Rodriguez, Aug.05.2015

The Roots of Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis—and Why Austerity Will Not Solve It
The US government is at least partially responsible for the emergency, which is affecting millions of what are effectively second-class US citizens.
By Ed Morales, The Nation, July 8, 2015 

Tax Policy Helped Create Puerto Rico’s Fiscal Crisis
Scott Greenberg / Gavin Ekins, June 30, 2015

Congress Goofed. Puerto Rico Pays.  (Why Puerto Rico does not have bankrupcy protection) Bankruptcy was an option until 1984. That's when a drafting error became law.
By Stephen Mihm, Bloomberg, December 3, 2015
or “goofed”

How Hedge Funds Deepen Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis
Vulture investors have descended on the commonwealth, taking advantage of a debt crisis that has impoverished citizens and created massive unemployment.
By David Dayen, American Prospect, December 11, 2015

Puerto Rican Republicans: A Modern-day Oxymoron
For decades, the GOP has tapped into the pro-statehood party on the island to gather donations for their campaigns. 
By Phillip Arroyo, Latino Rebels, August 14, 2015 by

Colonialism Perpetuated Like a Thief in the Night 
By Phillip Arroyo, Latino Rebels, December 23, 2015

The Money Behind the U.S. Colony of Puerto Rico
By Phillip Arroyo, Latino Rebels, November 20, 2015


by Ed Morales, February 7, 2014 


Orden federal contra UBS por engañar a sus clientes
By Oscar J. Serrano Posted: May 01, 2012, Noticel


8. vieques

8. vieques