14. Jenniffer González PART 2 A TIMELINE 1996-2016
With Alaska GOP Senator Don Young who was in office for a whopping 49 years. Do tell us again about bourgeois capitalist elections don't recreate a gerontocracy, because "2 parties exist."
This image is much later, but to provide a bit of context as to who Senator Don Young was and some of his “classic quotes.”
First elected to PR Puerto Rico House of Representatives in 2002 (special election)
Re-elected to PR Puerto Rico House of Representatives (regular election)
Jenniffer González dirige homenaje a Julio Labatut Escarra, derechista del exilio cubano en la Cámara de Representantes.
(Jenniffer González leads an homage to Julio Labatut Escarra, a right-wing Cuban exile living in Puerto Rico, in the House of Representatives. Labatut (sometimes spelled Labatud), is implicated in the unresolved murder of a young Cuban exile named Carlos Muñiz Varela, one of the Operation Peter (Pedro) Pan unaccompanied children smuggled out of Cuba at the outset of the Cuban Revolution, due to anti-communist propaganda-instilled fearmongering that led parents to agree to this migration. It is unclear if the FBI has released all the info it has withheld on the Muñiz Varela murder case. The FBI has a long history of coddling anti-Fidel Castro Cuban exile terrorism, including deliberately destroying evidence. The right-wing version of the story, of course, is that Muñiz Varela was simply murdered for “narcotrafficking.” During a brief thawing of US-Cuba relations under the Jimmy Carter administration, Muñiz Varela had opened up a travel agency named Viajes Varadero with the aim of reconnecting Cuban exiles with their families in Cuba, in conjunction with the Antonio Maceo Brigade, with the Castro government’s approval. This pissed off hardline anti-Castro Cuban exiles. A bomb went off at the travel agency just a few months earlier before his murder.)
Jóvenes perturban ceremonia para derechista cubano
Por Tom Soto, San Juan, Puerto Rico
“Julio Labatut Escarra ha estado vinculado públicamente con los derechistas escuadrones de la muerte que operaron en Puerto Rico en los años 1970 y 1980 e implicado en el asesinato de Carlos Muñiz Varela en 1979.”
(“Young people disrupt ceremony for right-wing Cuban, By Tom Soto, San Juan, Puerto Rico “Julio Labatut Escarra has been publicly linked to the right-wing death squads that operated in Puerto Rico in the 1970s and 1980s and was implicated in the murder of Carlos Muñiz Varela in 1979.”)
Labatut was linked in declassified FBI documents to anti-Castro Cuban right-wing terrorist group CORU (Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations. Family and friends of Muñiz Varela have kept the case alive by filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, which have trickled out but are often heavily redacted, and probably most of the actors directly involved in the murder are no longer alive.)
Prohibido Olvidar: Julito Labatut y sus cómplices de derecha (video)
Motín En el Capitolio de Puerto Rico - Lo Que Se Trato de Evitar Esta Vez (video)
Caso Carlos Muñiz Varela
Press Reader, El Nuevo Día, José A. Delgado, 27 julio 2021
The Forgotten Victims of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis Pact (Operation Peter Pan)
NACLA, Deborah Shnookal October 18, 2022
”One tragic ending is the paradoxical tale of Carlos Muñiz, who was assassinated at the age of 26 by the very same anti-Castro exiles who had supposedly rescued him as a Pedro Pan. Along with his mother and sister, Carlos settled in Puerto Rico, where he was influenced by the island’s independence movement. As a student, he joined a group of young Cuban Americans who sought a dialogue and reconciliation with the land of his birth. These young émigrés’ visits back to Cuba, however, provoked a violent reaction from the exile community. Although the exile terrorist organization Omega 7 claimed responsibility for the crime, no one was ever charged for Carlos’s cold-blooded murder.”
Quiroga, José. “The Cuban Exile Wars: 1976-1981.” (JSTOR access required)
American Quarterly, vol. 66, no. 3, 2014, pp. 819–33.
“The bomb attempts at Viajes Varadero began on January 4, 1 979, just three months before Muñiz Varela was killed. After his death there would be two other bombs, on July 26, 1979, and on January 18, 1980. These were carried out by a group called the Coordinadora de Organizaciones Revolucionarias Unidas (Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations, CORU), described in FBI memoranda as "a terrorist anti-Castro organization.""
"Julio Labatut, the florist, a key figure in the rightist CORU, with close ties to police officials in Puerto Rico, was asked during a 2001 TV interview if he had ordered the assassination of Muñiz Varela. "Don’t call it an assassination," Labatut told the journalist Luis Francisco Ojeda. "It was an execution and it should have been carried out before he was born.""'
Decades of Cuban rightists’ attacks hit revolution’s backers in US, Puerto Rico
The Militant, June 10, 2013 — Fight continues to unearth truth about murder of Carlos Muñiz
Radio Independencia - Ep. 46 - Carlos Muñiz Varela
Aug 30, 2018 (Podcast in Spanish)
La historia de Carlos Muñiz Varela con Raúl Alzaga Manresa y Ricargo Fraga del Valle, coautores del libro La contrarrevolución cubana en Puerto Rico y el caso de Carlos Muñiz Varela.
Recordemos a Carlos Muñiz Varela
Pedro Zervigón, El Post Antillano, 14 Agosto 2022
17 de agosto de 2007
Fallece comerciante cubano Julito Labatut
“La representante Jenniffer González, quien en el 2006 le organizó un homenaje legislativo que provocó una trifulca en el Capitolio, lamentó su fallecimiento.
"Julito Labatut fue un luchador incansable de la liberación del pueblo cubano y de la estadidad para Puerto Rico. Hizo de nuestra Isla su segunda patria, destacándose exitosamente en el ambiente comercial, artístico, político y filantrópico", opinó González.
El 29 de marzo de 2006, cientos de manifestantes protestaron un homenaje al florista por su supuesta relación con el asesinato en 1979 de Carlos Muñiz Varela. Esa muerte aún no ha sido esclarecida por las autoridades.”
Jenniffer González becomes Vice-President of the Republican Party of Puerto Rico in 2008. She was executive director of the Young Republicans of Puerto Rico from 2008-2015.
LEY 7-2009 Presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes de Puerto Rico cuando se aprobó la Ley 7 de 2009, cuyo resultado fue el despido de 30,000 empleados públicos.
Bandera Roja Archivo Ley 7
“As they took power on Jan. 2, 2009, Gov. Fortuño and (Carlos) Garcia moved swiftly to implement dramatic changes to the island’s fiscal policy, which included liquidating the infrastructure fund.” Carlos García, previously a Santander Bank executive, would later be appointed to the FOMBPR (the US-appointed “Financial Oversight Management Board”, aka La Junta.)
13 de abril 2009
100 días y 1 ley: El plumazo más pesado de la Administración Fortuño
(Law 7 from 2009 is a crisis management bitter medicine law in which the Puerto Rico government gave itself unlimited emergency powers which resulted in the firing of up to 30,000 public sector employees in addition to eroding labor laws.)
Luis Fortuño’s 9 of 10 PREPA bond issuances: Power Revenue Bonds, Series XX (2010), Power Revenue Bonds, Series EEE (Issuer Subsidy Build America Bonds) (2010), Power Revenue Bonds, Series ZZ (2010), Power Revenue Bonds, Series YY (Issuer Subsidy Build America Bonds) (2010), Power Revenue Bonds, Series AAA (2010), Power Revenue Bonds, Series CCC (2010), Power Revenue Bonds, Series BBB (2010), Power Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series DDD (2010). A lot of the bond debt is refinancing older bond debt.
17 JANUARY 2011
El congresista Connie Mack tiene historial de vínculos con la red de Posada Carriles
Por Jean-Guy Allard
(The above article is written by Canadian journalist Jean-Guy Allard, who later moved to Cuba and wrote for the Cuban state paper Granma. Allard wrote extensively about Cuban exile right-wing terrorism. You can take it with a grain of salt if you like, but there is no doubt that Connie Mack IV political record is openly extremely hostile to Cuba and Venezuela. These Florida hardline Republican politicians are former Puerto Rico governor Luis Fortuño and Jenniffer González’s closest allies. From 2004-2008, Luis Fortuño, during his term as Puerto Rico’s “non-voting representative” to US Congress (aka “Resident Commissioner”), sat with Connie Mack IV on the Foreign Relations Western Hemisphere Subcommittee.
Not coincidentally, the archived hearing is titled “Energy in the Americas” from 2008.)
These are all major allies of the PNP (aka the Partido Nuevo Progresista, the Puerto Rico Statehood Party that are also members of the US GOP.
Jenniffer González presenta proyectos para bajar la factura de la AEE
“La presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes, Jenniffer González Colón radicó hoy dos medidas legislativas, una de las cuales crea una línea de crédito de $600 millones para ofrecer un alivio a los abonados residenciales de la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE), que no reciben ningún tipo de subsidio, en el llamado ajuste por combustible.”
Jenniffer González defiende línea de crédito para la AEE
Con el fin de bajar el costo de la electricidad
“La presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes, Jenniffer González, defendió su propuesta de crear una línea de crédito del Banco Gubernamental de Fomento para la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE) y negó que sean los abonados los que terminen pagando la misma.”
(Jenniffer González proposes taking out a credit line to fund the AEE (Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica, the public electrical utility from the BGF (Banco Gubernamental de Fomento, aka as the Puerto Rico Government Development Bank).
13 OCTOBER 2011
En la mira propuesta para bajar factura de luz
“Recientemente el Gobernador, Luis Fortuño, presentó la propuesta oficial con la que se prevé ayude al consumidor a pagar menos por servicio de energía eléctrica.
La propuesta surgió de una serie de mesas redondas organizadas por la presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes, Jennifer González, donde participaron grupos sindicales y otras entidades como el Colegio de Ingenieros y Agrimensores, los Contadores Públicos Autorizados, entre otros.
Sin embargo, aunque la propuesta pudiera traducirse en ahorros para las personas abonadas el servicio de energía eléctrica, no todo el mundo la recibió a brazos abiertos.
En un contexto en que la Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica (AEE), se ha visto involucrada en asuntos como una crisis de legitimidad debido a acusaciones de corrupción y deficiencias administrativas; la propuesta, aunque cayó bien a muchas personas, también generó suspicacia y varias dudas.
Uno de los puntos de la propuesta es solicitar a la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA) a que modifique temporeramente el acuerdo por consentimiento para lograr la utilización de combustible con un porcentaje mayor de azufre, esto con el propósito de lograr un menor costo.
A esta parte del plan, reaccionaron el ingeniero y director de Casa Pueblo Alexis Massol y el presidente de la Unión de Trabajadores de la Industria Eléctrica y Riego (UTIER), Ángel Figueroa Jaramillo, quienes expresaron que aumentar el porcentaje de azufre en el petróleo sería una medida que afectaría a la salud, además de que representaría un retroceso en las luchas ambientales comunitarias.
Por otra parte, una de los puntos que mejor fue recibido es el de eliminar los intermediarios para que la compra de combustible se haga directamente con los países vendedores transfiriendo al Banco Gubernamental de Fomento el manejo y la compra del producto.
Además, de implementarse la propuesta oficial, se solicitará una línea de crédito rotativa para asegurar que el combustible se pague a tiempo y con esto eliminar las penalidades por morosidad en los pagos.”
“A eso se añade que la AEE deberá reducir al menos $30 millones en un año en gastos operacionales, como los contratos, el tiempo extra de los empleados, millajes y dietas y gasificar la planta Costa Sur en Guayanilla para finales de marzo 2012.
A esta propuesta reaccionaron otros grupos como, por ejemplo, el Grupo de Diálogo sobre el Futuro Energético de Puerto Rico quienes proponen una “serie de reformas que suponen una transformación profunda del sistema eléctrico de la Isla”, según lo indican en un comunicado.
La propuesta del Grupo demanda que la AEE tiene que funcionar como una corporación pública y como tal facilitar la información necesaria para hacer un diagnóstico completo sobre la situación actual del sistema eléctrico y la Autoridad.”
17 JANUARY 2012
ACT 22
Presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes de Puerto Rico cuando se aprobó la “Ley Para Incentivar el Traslado de Individuos Inversionistas a Puerto Rico” Ley Núm. 22 de 17 de Enero de 2012, según enmendada
PR Hacienda (Puerto Rico Treasury Department) agrees to refund Doral Financial Bank in “overpaid” taxes, agreement made during the PNP Governor Luis Fortuño’s last year in office. (PR statehood party, GOP). See How Doral Bank led to the Puerto Rico Junta (analysis posted June 26, 2019)
Luis Fortuño’s admin 10th AEE/PREPA bond issuances: Power Revenue Bonds, Series 2012A and Series 2012B.
23 MAY 2012
Endoso de Fortuño podría costar millones en fondos federales
By TRIBUNA - Puerto Rico
“El endoso que el gobernador de Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuño, anunciara ayer al candidato republicano al Senado de los Estados Unidos por Florida, Connie Mack (IV), podría costarle a Puerto Rico fondos federales incluidos en proyectos pendientes en el Comité de Finanzas de la Cámara Alta federal.”
(Take note because Connie Mack IV will be a key figure in 2014-2015 lobbying for AEE/PREPA bondholders against bankruptcy law and an imposition of a Junta as a pre-condition of bankruptcy. I’ve detailed his role extensively in Puerto Rico, PROMESA and US-Latin America Debt Geopolitics.)
31 OCT 2012
Las leyes más controversiales del cuatrienio Fortuño
Por: Noticel
Luis Fortuño loses gubernatorial election.
Jenniffer González becomes Puerto Rico House of Representatives Minority Speaker, from 2013-2017 due to PNP electoral losses. Fellow PNP politician Pedro Pierluisi becomes US Congressional non-voting representative. Pierluisi is PNP-Democratic Party aligned, so she and Pierluisi will have clashes on federal bankruptcy law. (Their political differences will boil up again in 2024, when she challenges incumbent Puerto Rico governor Pierluisi for their party’s nomination. Pierluisi loses the 2024 PNP primary to Jenniffer González.
17 JUNE 2014
Quién es Paul Singer, la cara visible de los fondos buitre
Multimillonario y adherente a la derecha más recalcitrante, puso en jaque al país.
“Singer, republicano acérrimo y conectado con lo más rancio del conservador “Tea Party”, representa a un escaso porcentaje de los tenedores de bonos que no entraron a los tres canjes de deuda que ofreció la Argentina en 2005, 2010 y 2013.”
28 JUNE 2014
Governor García Padilla signs into law the Puerto Rico Public Corporation Debt Enforcement and Recovery Act (Ley de Quiebra Criolla or Ley 71 de 2014). The Recovery Act was immediately met with lawsuits Puerto Rico v. Franklin California Tax-Free Trust; Acosta-Febo v. Franklin California Tax-Free Trust. BlueMountain Capital Management, LLC v. Garcia-Padilla was consolidated with the 2 former cases.
23 JULY 2014
Hedge fund joins legal fray over Puerto Rico restructuring law
By Reuters
“New York-based BlueMountain Capital Management filed a lawsuit in the district court of Puerto Rico on Tuesday, claiming that the new law, known as the Recovery Act, runs counter to both the Puerto Rican and U.S. constitutions.”
29 JULY 2014
Jenniffer González retweets American Future Fund ads published in US media to discredit Alejandro García Padilla comparing him to Nicolás Maduro and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. American Future Fund ads were coordinated with Justin Peterson and DCI Group. DCI Group was coordinating with Connie Mack IV’s lobbies, who represented Argentina creditors, Doral Bank, and PR bondholders.
These ads appear one day before the hearing on July 30, 2014.
30 JULY 2014
(Jenniffer González’s friend Ileana Ros Lehtinen (now a retired lobbyist) sits on the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs. Ileana Ros Lehtinen was chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee from 2011–2013. Ted Deutch, who JG would later travel with to Colombia and Israel also sits on this Committee, as well as Sean Duffy who would introduce PROMESA in the House.)
Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere of the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing
James K. Glassman — George W. Bush State Department, George W. Bush Institute, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Andrew G. Biggs has been a FOMBPR member since 2016, and is an AEI Senior Fellow, with enormous conflicts of interest that have been ignored.
“For the protection of our own taxpayers in the United States who could end up holding the bag, the U.S. should perform a full audit and set up a financial control board with authority over borrowing, hiring, firing, and contracts such as the boards that succeeded in New York and the District of Columbia. If the United States and other countries had been tougher with Argentina, its dangerously seductive model would have been rendered unattractive. Now the U.S. has a chance to rectify matters by guiding Puerto Rico to the prosperity that its people deserve.” — James Glassman
For an extensive list of the links between Florida’s Connie Mack IV, State Dept/AEI James K. Glassman, DCI Group’s Justin Peterson, Liberty International Group, Doral Financial, Mack Strategies, American Task Force Argentina, Blue Mountain Capital Management, Bondholders of Puerto Rico, see:
Again, see Puerto Rico, PROMESA and US-Latin America Debt Geopolitics (my analysis posted June 1, 2023).
30 OCT 2014 (American Future Fund is the lobbyist that published smear campaign in major US media against the Puerto Rico governor at that time, Alejandro García Padilla, comparing him to Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro and to the former Argentina president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. Paul Singer, aka The Vulture, is a US billionaire hedge fund creditor that has been waging a long battle with Argentina over bond debt. In 2012, he stole an Argentinian ship to extort the country. He is also known for bribing US Supreme Court justices with lavish gifts and trips, which is all perfectly legal in the US and not corruption, just good business. Singer was one of Marco Rubio’s biggest donors during Rubio’s US presidential run in 2016. He is also a Zionist who funds the AIEF (the American Israel Education Foundation, the “non-profit” arm of AIPAC, that funds all-expenses-paid propaganda trips for politicians. Singer is the chairman of the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank founded by Ronald Reagan’s CIA director William J. Casey and Antony Fisher. Singer also funds the Washington Free Beacon.)
Money to PACs
NEW YORK, 10019
American Future Fund
The Puerto Rico debt issue is swept up in the US presidential primary election cycle. The too-little, too late Puerto Rico Commonwealth bankruptcy law (Puerto Rico Public Corporation Debt Enforcement and Recovery Act, Ley de Quiebra Criolla or Ley 71 de 2014) moves up US federal court, but is doomed. Remember, this law would have permitted the public electrical utility (AEE/PREPA) to negotiate its debt in Puerto Rico court. US creditors do not want this.
Since some sort of US-controlled federal “bankruptcy-like” law starts to seem inevitable, hedge fund anti-bankruptcy lobbying intensifies and equates bankruptcy as “bailout” and insists that any bankruptcy must include a “Fiscal Oversight Management Board” or but in reality it is a Fiscal Control Board, with IMF-style “structural adjustments.” The final PROMESA law includes a board that can overrule all Puerto Rico elected officials and Puerto Rico legislation, and it is also immune from lawsuits, including public transparency requests, because PROMESA law defines the board is a “territorial instrument” and not a federal entity. (Which of course, is total colonial bullshit.)
There will be political semantic sleight-of-hand over the issue of supervision (oversight) vs. control and debt restructuring vs structural adjustment, the latter which implies austerity, dismantling of public services and institutions, and weakening of labor and environmental laws.
FRANKLIN CALIFORNIA TAX-FREE TRUST, et al., Plaintiffs, v. COMMONWEALTH OF PUERTO RICO, et al., Defendants. which was filed in U.S. District Court.
”The Recovery Act is preempted by the federal Bankruptcy Code and is therefore void pursuant to the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution. Signed by Judge Francisco A. Besosa on 02/06/2015.”
11 FEBRERO 2015
H.R.870 - Puerto Rico Chapter 9 Uniformity Act of 2015 114th Congress (2015-2016)
Chapter 9 bill introduced by Pedro Pierluisi, who was the Puerto Rico Non-voting Congressional member (“Resident Commissioner”), which had little chance of passing.
16 MARCH 2015
Justicia radica apelación en Primer Circuito en torno a quiebra criolla
Ed. Microjuris.com Puerto Rico
(The Puerto Rico Department of Justice appeals the U.S. District Court’s decision regarding the Puerto Rico Recovery Act.)
González initially supports Jeb Bush’a presidential candidacy.
(28 JULY 2016)
The Road to PROMESA (Good timeline of lead-up of PROMESA)
by Zachary Williams
“On February 6, 2015, the Puerto Rico Federal District Court ruled that the Recovery Act is unconstitutional and will be declared void under the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution.”
Franklin California Tax-Free Trust et al v. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico et al, No. 3:2014cv01518 - Document 119 (D.P.R. 2015)
15 JUNE 2015 — The Hill publishes op-ed by Jennifer González
Puerto Rico should pay its debts by Jennifer González
“One of the most important questions today is whether Puerto Rico’s public corporate instrumentalities, now under the iron-fist control of the incumbent governor more than any other time before, should be allowed to file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection. In fact, a bill under consideration in the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, H.R. 870, would allow Puerto Rico to do just that. But I strongly question whether that is the best path forward.”
(Jenniffer González does not want the Puerto Rico Commonwealth to have the right to access to Chapter 9 bankruptcy as this would undermine her party, the PNP’s arguments for Puerto Rico statehood. She prefers a crisis situation be created to weaken her rival party, the PPD, the Commonwealth Party. Also, the bulk of the AEE/PREPA debt was created by the Luis Fortuño administration in which she was PR House of Representatives Majority Leader. Until 1984, Puerto Rico had enjoyed access to Chapter 9 at the federal level but was “mysteriously” written out of U.S. law.)
“On July 6, 2015, Congresswoman Nydia M. Velázquez wrote a letter to President Obama addressing the Puerto Rican debt.”
15 JULY 2015
S.1774 - Puerto Rico Chapter 9 Uniformity Act of 2015 114th Congress (2015-2016)
Introduced by Sen. Blumenthal, Richard [D-CT].
14 JULY 2015
Confirmada la inconstitucionalidad de la «quiebra criolla»
Ed. Microjuris.com Puerto Rico
(The United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit (“Court of Appeals”) agrees with the U.S. District Court that the Puerto Rico Recovery Act is unconstitutional.)
Marco Rubio opposes bankruptcy lifeline for struggling Puerto Rico
By Hadas Gold
““Allowing Puerto Rican municipalities to reorganize their debts under Chapter 9 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code would not solve Puerto Rico’s problems and should only be a measure of last resort considered if Puerto Rico takes significant steps to fix its budget and economic mess,” he writes.
The op-ed was timed to coincide with Rubio’s first visit to the island as a presidential candidate. And his position sets him apart from other 2016 contenders, including Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, who have supported Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection for the deeply indebted island.”
Jenniffer González anuncia su candidatura a Comisionado Residente
La representante PNP asegura que puede trabajar con cualquiera de los candidatos a la gobernación de su partido
(Jenniffer González announces her candidacy for “Resident Commissioner”)
28 OCTOBER 2015
Meet America’s Top 20 “Zionaires”: Billionaires Who Support Israel
Abra Forman, Israel 365
31 OCTOBER 2015
Top Republican billionaire Paul Singer endorses Marco Rubio
By Theodore Schleifer, Sunlen Serfaty and Dana Bash, CNN
Billionaire Investor Paul Singer Backs Marco Rubio
By Jack Dickey, Time Magazine
New Leadership for the Republican Party of PR
Jenniffer González becomes President (Chair) of Republican Party of Puerto Rico, 2015-2021
After taking donations from hedge funds holding Puerto Rican debt, Marco Rubio opposed bankruptcy
Phil Ammann, Florida Politics
21 NOVEMBER 2015
Uno a uno con Jenniffer González (crisis fiscal, status y más) (A VERY IMPORTANT INTERVIEW)
Por José A. Delgado
“Jenniffer González, precandidata a comisionada residente en Washington, quiere que el Congreso legisle una junta federal de control fiscal que sea integrada por funcionarios estadounidenses y puertorriqueños, pero que no limite el poder del gobierno de Puerto Rico para adoptar sus presupuestos.”
(The irony of the current “anti-political alliance” stance of the PNP party is that the Ricardo Rosselló/Jenniffer González 2016 candidate slate is an alliance of Ricardo Rosselló from the PNP-Democratic Party and Jenniffer González from the PNP-Republican Party. But if you mention these details in Puerto Rico local discussions, you are always told, the “US political parties don’t apply in Puerto Rico.” Of course they apply! Maybe not to the majority of voters. But for the politicians, their allies, and the money trail, it applies.)
“¡Acompáñanos este domingo, 6 de diciembre a las 10:00AM en #PaloSeco, a la radicación de mi candidatura a la Gobernación y de la próxima Comisionada Residente, Jenniffer González Colón! #JuntosPodemos”
21 DECEMBER 2015
Rubio’s neocon-establishment team bolstered by ‘Zionaire’ hedgefunder who denies existence of Palestine
By Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss
“Rubio had backed legislation to allow the bankruptcy protection, sponsored by Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut. But then Rubio backed out, just after one of those hedgefunders held a fundraiser for him.
Andrew Herenstein is the founder of Monarch Alternative Capital; and he is a big supporter of Israel. His evident allegiance to Rubio, and vice versa, underpins the trend that establishment neoconservatives are flocking to the Florida senator who loves Israel.”
14 JANUARY 2016
(Marco Rubio refuses to support Pedro Pierluisi’s federal law for Chapter 9 bankruptcy access for Puerto Rico)
Marco Rubio Turns His Back on Puerto Rico, at His Own Peril
“The Associated Press reported that Rubio, speaking in Spanish, “railed against giving Puerto Rico bankruptcy protection.””
“Last month, the New York Times detailed how Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut had initially tried to woo Rubio to join the Democrats’ bill, only for Rubio to back away just three weeks after a fundraiser with a hedge fund founder who had a stake in Puerto Rico’s debt. In November, Fusion reported that six hedge fund executives who hold Puerto Rican debt have donated to Rubio’s presidential campaign.”
6 MARCH 2016
Rubio sweeps Puerto Rico primary
By Steven Shepard, Politico
22 MARCH 2016
Oral arguments at SCOTUS in case of Puerto Rico v. Franklin California Tax-Free Trust, Acosta-Febo v. Franklin California Tax-Free Trust
4 APRIL 2016
Everything You Need to Know About the Proposed Federal Control Board for Puerto Rico
By: Luis Gallardo
“Governor García Padilla and Resident Commissioner Pedro Pierluisi (Puerto Rico’s non-voting Resident Commissioner to Congress) have pushed the later’s H.R. 870 to include Puerto Rico in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code Chapter 9, much like each of the 50 states. This would allow Puerto Rico’s public corporations to restructure their share of the debt, in total holding 73% of the island’s total debt. Puerto Rico was once included, but mysteriously disappeared from the Code after a series of 1984 amendments, with no debate or discussion.
Despite this, govtrack.us gives the bill a 0% chance of passage. Investors and hedge funds have pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars in lobbying, and some have even propped up organizations such as the 60 Plus Association and Mainstreet Bond Holders to carry out an aggressive media campaign in the hopes of swaying public opinion in their favor. The campaign has been successful enough to sway some, including Jenniffer González, Puerto Rico’s House minority leader, to oppose the bill, even though González is an advocate for statehood.”
5 JUNE 2016
Ricardo Rosselló and Jenniffer González win the PNP gubernatorial and Congressional Non-voting Representative nominations in Puerto Rico primaries
9 JUNE 2016
H.R. 4900 version of PROMESA passes US House of Representatives.
14 JUNE 2016
Senators Menéndez (D-NJ), Warren (D-MA), Gillibrand (D-NY), Schumer (D-NY), Sanders (I-VT), Merkley (D-OR), and Blumenthal (D-CT) call for an SEC investigation of Puerto Rico’s debt crisis.
29 JUNE 2016
H.R. 5278 version of PROMESA passes US Senate.
30 JUNE 2016
PROMESA signed into law by President Barack Obama.
15 JULY 2016
Congressional Task Force on Economic Growth in Puerto Rico named per PROMESA law, chaired by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and is comprised of U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL); Bill Nelson (D-FL); and Robert Menéndez (D-NJ) as well as U.S. Representatives Sean Duffy (R-WI); Tom MacArthur (R-NJ); Nydia Velázquez (D-NY); and Pedro Pierluisi (D-PR).
31 AUGUST 2016
President Obama Announces the Appointment of Seven Individuals to the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico. Members named are Andrew G. Biggs, Jose B. Carrión III, Carlos M. Garcia, Arthur J. Gonzalez, José R. González, Ana J. Matosantos, David A. Skeel Jr.
Jenniffer González takes donations from DCI Group, Justin Peterson, Paul Singer.
Jenni Achieving Goals & Opportunities PAC Donors 2016
Jenniffer González elected Puerto Rico Congressional Non-voting Member.